Tamping Simulator Tool: Create Ideal Slugs Right from the Start

To form a good slug on an automatic tamping-style capsule filling machine, you must get a number of settings right. An inexperienced operator can waste a great deal of time and fill material trying to achieve the target weight. Or they can hit the target weight via a thick disc with light compression, and then move into production with a loose slug that results in weight variation and joining defects.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Predetermine your filling machine’s settings

With CapsCanada’s patent-pending Tamping Simulator, an experienced operator can identify and test all the settings for the dosing area of your filling machine before you go to production.
This includes the dosing disc, powder level in the bowl, settings for each tamping station and spring compression settings for each station. This approach increases yield and reduces waste, costs and average setup times.

Identify formulation challenges long before you go to production

The Tamping Simulator uses your actual fill material and has the same components (Tamping Pin, Compression Spring and Cap and 0-25mm Compression Scale) as your filling machine.
Because of this, while you are still early in the R&D process you can also use the Tamping Simulator to determine if a powder will perform as needed when under compression.
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“I have worked in this industry for many years, and CapsCanada has far superior capsules than any other supplier.”

“K-CAPS always run perfectly. No issues at all. They close, no pin holes, they’re strong.”

“CapsCanada’s capsules are performing better than all the other suppliers’ capsules.”

“R&D and Production love the quality of CapsCanada and prefer only to run CapsCanada Capsules.”

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